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Karma Quotes Wisdom On The Law Of Cause And Effect

Karma Quotes

Karma Quotes: Wisdom on the Law of Cause and Effect

Understanding the Karma Cycle

Karma, a Sanskrit word meaning "action," refers to the universal law of cause and effect. This principle suggests that every action, thought, or intention has consequences that shape our present and future experiences. By understanding the karma cycle, we can become more mindful of our choices and actions, creating a positive trajectory for our lives.

The Impact of Karma on Our Lives

Karma operates in both our personal and collective lives. Our thoughts, words, and deeds have ripple effects that impact our relationships, health, and overall well-being. Positive actions, such as kindness, compassion, and generosity, lead to favorable outcomes, while negative actions have the potential to create challenges and obstacles.

Types of Karma

There are three main types of karma:
  • Sanchita Karma: Accumulated karma from past lives that influences our present circumstances.
  • Prarabdha Karma: The portion of sanchita karma that has ripened and is being experienced in this life.
  • Kriyamana Karma: Karma that we are creating in the present moment through our actions, thoughts, and intentions.

Quotes on Karma

Throughout history, wise thinkers have shared profound insights on the nature of karma. Here are some notable quotes:
  • "What you give is what you get." - Buddha
  • "As a man sows, so shall he reap." - Galatians 6:7
  • "The seeds of our actions bear the fruits of our destiny." - Og Mandino
  • "Do good and good will follow you; do evil and evil will follow you." - Hindu proverb
  • "Karma is the mirror in which we see our true selves." - Alan Cohen

How to Improve Our Karma

While karma is immutable, we have the power to shape our future by consciously choosing positive actions and intentions. Here are some tips for improving our karma:
  • Practice kindness, compassion, and empathy.
  • Be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions.
  • Forgive ourselves and others for past mistakes.
  • Seek to make amends for any harm we have caused.
  • Focus on our personal growth and spiritual development.


The law of karma teaches us that every action has consequences, both positive and negative. By understanding and embracing this principle, we can live more consciously and create a better future for ourselves and others. Remember, as the Dalai Lama said, "The karma of others is not our business. Our karma is our own responsibility."
